Communications training

The Communications Team seeks to support parishes in the Diocese of Leeds, whether it's with handling the media or their use of social media. Contact should you have a question.

Find on this page recorded training sessions on a number of topics, such as social media, creating video for church and video presentation. Further advice can also be found here on our Digital and Social Media page.

Recorded Training

Creating Video for Church

An online course for those wanting to learn how to get started with creating videos for their church. Topics covered on this course include:

  • Video equipment 
  • Framing and composition 
  • Lighting and sound 
  • What should we film?

Social Media for Beginners

An online course exploring how to set up a church account on Facebook and Instagram. Some of the basic features of Facebook and Instagram are included, along with what type of content you could share as a church.

Social Media for Intermediates

Following on from the Social Media for Beginners session, some of the more advanced features for Facebook and Instagram are explored. Together we see how social media insights, a marketing plan and the use of language can improve how we use social media for church.

Doing Church Digitally

A question and answer session that took place over Zoom. A panel of digital enthusiasts, along with others from across the diocese, gathered to discuss how church can be done digitally. Topics covered included:

  • Zoom
  • live streaming
  • websites
  • social media

Practical tips for video presentation

The Revd Canon Robin Gamble, Bishop's Advisor for Church Growth, shared his top tips for presenting well on video. This was then followed by a question and answers session where attendees had the opportunity to respond to what Robin said. 

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