Safeguarding Resources


External safeguarding links

Various helpful links to the national safeguarding team, specialist helplines and support services. Find out more.


Independent safeguarding audit 2016

The Social Care Institute for Excellence was commissioned to undertake an audit of the safeguarding arrangements of each diocese of the Church of England. Find out more.



Download copies of our safeguarding newsletter, which includes all the latest updates. Find out more.


Past cases review 2

In 2019, the Church of England instigated a second review of all known safeguarding cases. This followed the first review in 2007-2009. Find out more.


Safeguarding dashboards and Safeguarding Hubs

The Diocese of Leeds has invested in Safeguarding Dashboards following successful trials involving 10 Churches and one of our Cathedrals. Find out more.


Strategic safeguarding advisory panel

A committee responsible for the oversight of policy, procedures, training and guidance and is accountable for safeguarding work throughout the Diocese. Find out more.

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