Monthly reflections

Find here reflections written by bishops, members of clergy and laity from across our diocese. Many of these reflections are produced for Leeds Diocesan News, which is released the first Friday of every month.

Yule never walk alone | Bishop Nick | December 2024

I have just seen an advert for a red Christmas jumper with the words “Yule Never Walk Alone”. Now, I know this is a bit of a niche interest – basically only Liverpool fans are likely to buy one – but it hits the Christmas spot for me.

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Waiting for God | Revd Canon David Gerrard | December 2024

Yesterday I ordered my ‘Real Advent Calendar’ (OK, I ordered 4 of them, but they’re not all for me - honest!). I’m sure many of you are familiar with them - Advent calendars telling the Nativity story and containing delicious Fairtrade chocolate. One of a number of ways in which we mark the progression of Advent.

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The ways people come to worship | Revd Marianne Clough | November 2024

What brings someone to Christ, to church and what helps them stay? How would you answer regarding your own journey with Him? I’m fascinated what we communicate to people, in our words and actions, and how it’s received. What motivates people to give God a go?

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Parish ministry is based on love and trust | Revd June Cockburn | November 2024

It was with exhilaration and trepidation that I stepped into the role of Vicar of Beeston in January this year. The privilege and responsibility of this sacred calling weighs heavily on me. At times it can be quite overwhelming, however, I am blessed to be ministering in a diocese where diversity and inclusion are very much present; and here in Beeston I have found a reassuring openness and a warm welcome.

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Faith in the Park | Derek Twine | October 2024

“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” The Yorkshire Dales National Park is akin to Eden: wild animals and livestock, seeds and plant, trees and meadows, hills and streams. Generations before us have worked it: farmers, miners, weavers and more. It is a beautiful God-given landscape blessed with and amazing heritage and wonderful people.


For God so loved the world, and so must we | Bishop Anna | October 2024

Remember those long summer days of June now already fading into a distant memory? In the middle of that month, hundreds of local churches and people joined in with the annual Churches Count on Nature and Love your Burial Ground week, to celebrate and seek to protect the flora, fauna and wildlife found in our churchyards. The results are both sobering and joyous.


Fresh starts | Simone Bennett | September 2024

As summer draws towards a close, so our new school year begins. This is a time of fresh starts, the simple pleasure of a new exercise or notebook, new pupils and staff and the anticipation of what lies ahead. Every new school year is a time of opportunity.


A pilgrimage to discover life in Christ | Bishop Smitha | September 2024

In the very week marking the 80th anniversary when a young 25 year old Swiss man risked everything for an adventure of holiness and founded the Taize community on a hillside in Burgundy, pilgrims from the Diocese of Leeds alongside other friends travelled together to glimpse the mystery of the undivided church in simplicity, joy and trust.

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With the help of God | Ven Cat Thatcher | August 2024

As you might expect, I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting recently – particularly about the new role I’m coming into, the new (to me) area, and about where I fit.

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Working from a place of rest | Bishop Toby | August 2024

The long-awaited holiday month of August is underway and having begun with Yorkshire Day, it hopefully brings us much-needed time to relax and have fun with family and friends.

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