If you have concerns for your mental state or you feel there is an immediate and serious danger to yourself or another person/child:
- call 999 immediately for an ambulance or the police
- or you can also call 111 when you need medical advice fast but it’s not a 999 emergency
Information regarding Local and National Support Services
A collection of local and national support services can be accessed and downloaded here. It includes National directories for accessing support and Information regarding:
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Services
- Support for Survivors of Sexual Abuse
- Support Agencies and Helplines for Victims/ Survivors of Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Harassment, Honour Based Violence and Forced Marriage
- Support for Children and Young People
Authorised Listeni
ng Service
The Diocese of Leeds has appointed Authorised Listeners, all of whom are available to meet with anyone who needs an attentive and attuned listening ear to help them to talk about current or past abuse of any nature.
What are Authorised Listeners?
They are church people, some lay, and some ordained, who have come forward to offer a listening service to survivors.They have backgrounds in pastoral work andhave been specially recruited and trained for this role.
What do they do?
They will offer up to three sessions to meet you and hear what you have to say. It is for you to decide whether to meet, whether to meet again and to consider what the possible next steps may be. The listener will not impose any particular course of action on you. Further information can be found within the leaflet below.
Up to three sessions can be provided free of chargeIf you would like to speak to a listener then please contact, one of the DSAs by clicking here.
Click here to downlaod the Authorised Listeners Leaflet.
Click here to download the Authorised Listeners Poster.
Modern Slavery and Trafficking
The Clewer Initiative
Homeless people are at risk of modern slavery. They are being targeted on the streets, but also at church-run projects like drop ins and night shelters. We have heard anecdotal reports of vans pulling up outside projects, before driving off with homeless people who are not seen again. A recent report from Hestia estimates that 1 in 10 homeless people in London has been a victim of modern slavery. The Clewer Initiative has developed resources to help churches raise awareness of the issue amongst those most at risk, as well as volunteers. The resources also include guidance notes for project leaders on how they can begin to ‘slavery proof’ their projects. All available from www.theclewerinitiative.org/letstalk
The Salvation Army provides support services for adult victims of trafficking and modern slavery. They can be contacted on 0300 303 8151
Child Exploitation and Online Protection
CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) If you are worried about online abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online.
Thinkuknow is an education programme from CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline.
Child Sexual Exploitation call 101 to speak to the police.