Act, Give and Pray for peace in Gaza

Act Give and Pray for Peace in Gaza

CHRISTIAN AID is urging churches to Act, Give and Pray for peace as the Gaza truce with Hamas collapsed just hours after it began this morning.

So far 1,460 Palestinians – mostly civilians – have died in the latest conflict and 63 Israelis, mostly soldiers.

Local peaceful protests are planned over the weekend in Batley and in Wakefield to stop the violence.

And you can read Bishop Nick on the horrors of Gaza, Ukraine and Syria – ( BBC Radio 4s Thought for the Day)

The Diocese of Jerusalem has launched an emergency appeal for the Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza. This Anglican hospital is doing some amazing work responding to the civilian casualties. The Jerusalem and Middle East Church Association is helping to facilitate the appeal here in the UK. More at:’s-al-ahli-hospital-appeals-urgent-help

Christian Aid is deeply concerned for the security of both Israeli and Palestinian civilians and condemns violence on all sides, including rocket fire from Gaza and is urging churches to support the people of Gaza and help save lives with this simple three-point plan.

ACT: keep an eye on the updates on the call on the UK Government to demand an immediate ceasefire and humanitarian access to the Gaza Strip

GIVE: donate now to help provide desperately needed emergency healthcare, psychological services and longer term support

PRAY: pray with and for our sisters and brothers in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory See More

You can join Facebook calls for action on any Facebook pages you have like this one:!/christianaid/photos/a.10150882538562715.525308.7043497714/10153180790302715/?type=1&theater




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