Nominations for elections for General Synod this summer

Elections for General Synod are taking place this year, and the diocese is asking: could you stand?

The nomination period to stand on behalf of our diocese opens on July 30, 2021 and closes on September 2, 2021.

National Church information may refer to a nomination deadline of September 8, however individual dioceses were allowed to chose their own closure dates for administration purposes and many, including ours, chose September 2.

General Synod is the legislative body of the Church of England and, together with the Westminster Parliament, is one of the only bodies in the land entitled to make national law for England.

Legislative Measures passed by the Church of England are signed off by the Queen as Head of State. 

In addition to legislation, the General Synod also agrees the national Budget for the Church of England and debates a wide range of public and social issues from the perspective of a faith organisation.

The Rt Revd Nick Baines, Bishop of Leeds, said: “The General Synod needs people who are committed to their parish and diocese, constantly looking at national issues through that local lens as we seek to serve the church. 

“We need younger, more diverse members who can hold the big picture and particular ‘issues’ in tension. 

“Please consider standing - or nominate someone you would trust to represent this diocese well on the national level.”

If you need more information about being or nominating a candidate in the General Synod elections, please email 

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