Old shoes for God

Old shoes and children’s games played a novel part in Adel church’s stewardship campaign, in which they looked at how they use their time, money and talents for God.

Reader Liz Williams says, “Our theme was time for God, so during sermons we caught and threw back balls to illustrate how we give back to God the talents and gifts he gives us, and we played pass the parcel to illustrate passing good deeds onto others. We also considered how, as an affluent parish, we might share in the mission of the inner city through giving and prayer.

“As part of the campaign we also decided to do something symbolic with shoes. After collecting 80 old shoes, people of all ages decorated them ready for the Junior Church to fill them with flowers and they were then laid down the church path – as a reminder that we walk with God in all parts of our lives. And some had great fun trying to spot their own (florally transformed) shoes.


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