Our Leeds Office get creative!

Le Grand Depart knitted by the Leeds OfficeLook what the clever folk over at our Leeds office have made…!

They have knitted, pasted, painted, stuck, tied, cut out and lovingly crafted a montage of their very own Le Grand Depart in celebration of the world’s greatest cycle race starting in God’s own county.

It will be the first time The Tour de France has visited the north of England when it sets off from Leeds  to Harrogate on July 5th for Stage 1 and from York to Sheffield on July 6 for Stage 2.

It is expected to bring millions of fans to the Yorkshire roadside to cheer on the champions of the sport and is a great opportunity  for many of our churches along the route to open up and get involved.

To find out how and for ideas and resources go to www.lechurchletour.org

If your group want to knit their own Le Grand Depart – get in touch with the finance team in the Leeds office for knitting patterns and ideas!

You can find this inspired work of art at the top of the stairs above reception in the Leeds office – Don’t miss it next time you’re there!

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