Wakefield church to run science faith outreach

The relationship between science and faith will be explored at St Catherine’s Church Centre in Wakefield (pictured) as part of a project that's been awarded nearly £20,000.

This funding, which came through the church engagement programme Scientists in Congregations, will be used to fund a new project called ‘Believing Science’.

The project aims to transform local churches into active, pro-science centres to encourage interest in and enthusiasm for science in their local communities and will operate across three churches in the North of England, beginning in Stalybridge with follow on work in Wakefield and Blackpool.

As well as providing teaching on science and faith to the churches involved, the project will organise several community focused science themed activities through local schools, Food banks, youth groups and other avenues as they arise.

Each church will also host a large scale, science based, family fun day for their local community called a ‘Wonder Day'. This event will offer opportunities for creative, experiential encounters with science by providing workshops, shows and hands on opportunities for people in their local areas. The picture below is taken from a 'Wonder Day' held in 2019 in Stalybridge.  

Dr Gavin Merrifield, Project Co-Director, said, “Science should be a joy and an opportunity for everybody to enjoy the wonder and beauty of our world and the universe.

"Learning more about science is also a way to unlock the potential of individuals and our communities.

"We are looking forward to exploring all of this and more through our new project and thank ECLAS for supporting us in this."

Scientists in Congregations is a programme run by the research project Equipping Christian Leadership in an Age of Science (ECLAS). The ECLAS project is led from St John’s College, Durham University in partnership with the University of York and the Church of England. ECLAS and the Scientists in Congregations grants are funded by the Templeton Religion Trust. ECLAS has distributed £665,000 to over 70 churches through its Scientists in Congregations programme since 2014.

The Revd David Gerrard, Wakefield Local Coordinator, said, "This exciting project is wonderful opportunity for the churches and the local community to come together and discover that science and faith are partners."

"We’re looking forward to exploring the wonders of God’s creation and how we can discover more about it through the gift of science." 

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